Fleeting Concern
Fleeting Concern In centuries past, some ascetic monks and hermits counseled a "careless and fleeting concern for the world." They said...

Nuper Nonnulli +160
Nuper Nonnulli + 160 160 years ago today, on March 6, 1858, the Congregation of Bishops and Regulars issued the Decree Nuper Nonnulli....

A Saga that brings Hope
My Life Is Over I have become a little old man. I was to fly to Florida to do some work. I did not bring a suitcase. I carried three...

The Widow's Mite
Widow's Mite I did a funeral recently for a fellow who had some good and some not so good in him during his life. Some people at the...

God Questions
God Questions When it comes to faith issues I think that there are two questions that we need to ask if we are going to have an adult...

Dismas Dismas is the name given to the "good thief" being crucified with Jesus. I suspect that he had been quite dreadful in his life...

St. Paul
St. Paul Today (January 25th) is a very special day for my religious order, the Paulist Fathers. In our church, it is the Feast of the...

The Dash
The Dash Homily Notes Fr. Terry Ryan, CSP John 1: 35-42 January 14, 2018 We are all a “dash.” A what? Yes, if you look at the...

New Year's Resolutions
New Year Resolutions It is the first day of a New Year, 2018. What do many of us do? We set resolutions or goals for this year. The...

Fr. Terry's Christmas Story
Monday, December 25, 2017 A Christmas Story Christmas Story 2017 Once upon a time, in the magical kingdom of The Bronx, there lived a...