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Old Saint Mary's Cathedral welcomes families who bring their children for initiation into the Christian community through Baptism.

We are excited to help you with the baptism of your child. Baptism brings new life into the Church and the parish. Below is a list of frequently asked questions to help you. If you do not find what you are looking for, please contact receptionist and he will connect you to the right person.


What is Baptism?

”Holy Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit, and the door which gives access to the other sacraments. Through Baptism we are freed from sin and reborn as children of God; we become members of Christ, are incorporated into the Church and made sharers in her mission: Baptism is a sacrament of regeneration through water in the word.” (Catechism 1213) Through baptism, we become part of the royal, priestly people of God, called to holy lives of prayer and service.


How Do I prepare My Child for baptism?

Contact Pia Lim, the parish secretary. She can help you to make an appointment with one of the priests on staff. When you meet with one of the priests, they will help you fill out the necessary forms and you can arrange to attend baptismal preparation classes.


Where And When Do Baptisms Take Place?

Baptisms take place in the Chapel in Old St. Mary’s, usually on Saturday mornings.  The date and time will be set when you meet with the priest.


How Far Ahead Do I Need To Plan?

Please call about two months before you desire your child to be baptized.   This will allow time for the preparation classes and getting the date and time you desire. We welcome your call even prior to the birth of your child.


What Are The Requirements?

The minimal requirements are as follows:

  1. One of the parents must be a baptized and practicing Catholic

  2. One of the godparents must be a baptized, confirmed and practicing Catholic

  3. Both parents are to attend the baptism preparation prior to baptism.


Who Can Be A Godparent?

To be a Catholic godparent, one must:

  • be a Catholic who has received the Sacrament of Confirmation and regularly participates in the Eucharist

  • be an active member of a Catholic faith community

  • be at least sixteen years old


When Choosing A Godparent For Your Child, It May Be Helpful To Consider The Following:
  • Is this person actively practicing his or her faith? Does he or she worship at Sunday Eucharist regularly? (This is the most important question to ask. If the person selected is not an active, practicing Catholic, he or she will not be able to fulfill effectively the role of godparent.)

  • Does this person live close enough, or will this person have sufficiently frequent contact, to get to know your child and play an active role in your child's faith life?

  • Does this person know enough about the Catholic Church and Catholic faith to be able to teach your child about it?

  • If something happened to you, would this person make sure your child was raised as an active member of the Catholic Community?


Can A Non-Catholic Be A Godparent?

Some families may wish to have a non-Catholic Christian also serve as a godparent for their child. Although one Catholic godparent is required for baptism, a second baptized (non-Catholic) Christian may serve as a "Christian witness."   This Christian witness participates in the celebration and stands alongside the godparent during the baptismal ceremony.


What If A Godparent Cannot Come To The Actual Celebration?

You can have a proxy stand in for the godparent(s). Please let the staff know, so they can record the name of the proxy on the baptismal certificate.


I Am An Adult.  What Do I Need To Do To Be Baptized?

The process for baptism for adults is through the Rite of Initiation for Adults (RCIA). You can find out more by visiting our RCIA page.  For more information contact Fr. John Ardis, CSP


Infant Baptism

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