Rewind the Watch
Rewind The Watch Old folks will remember, if they can remember at all, that we used to have to rewind our watches each day, sometimes...

Staying I ask myself why I stay in the Catholic Church. Organizationally and publicly things are not going too well for us. But I am a...

Camouflage I think of God as Camouflaged. Someone is camouflaged so as not to draw attention directly to themselves when they are near...

Why I Stay
Why Stay? Am I really a Catholic because bishops and priests are holy, better than me, and the pope is infallible? Please. I would have...

Power and Love
Power And Love Many people seem to want a god of power so that their power god can fix things, prevent bad things and keep good things...

Private Property
Private Property Private property, a bedrock of capitalism, is not much for sharing. "I have mine. You get yours." If there is...

Change Faith is not something that is unchanging. It is steeped in time. It was revealed, and developed in a specific time. Time...

Lack of Power
Lack Of Power Homily Notes Fr. Terry Ryan, CSP Mark 6: 1-6a July 8, 2018 Lack of power, this is what many of us say is our problem....

A Gated Community
A Gated Church In my religion some people idealize the past, maybe the 1950s or the medieval church. But it has been pointed out to me...