Brought to you by Old Saint Mary's. Old Saint Mary's is the perfect church for your Catholic wedding in San Francisco. We are located near downtown and the embarcadero, on a cable car line and near many hotels and venues! Call us at 415-288-3800 or come visit us today.
Remember, the Catholic Church requires at least 6 months for wedding preparation. Here's our checklist to help you prepare for your wedding day.
6 Months Or More Before Your Wedding:
Arrange for an interview with the priest or pastoral associate at Old Saint Mary's Cathedral + Chinese Mission.
Get baptismal records from the parish of baptism for bride and/or groom
Set a wedding date with the church
Confirm where you will do your marriage preparation
Sign up for a Saturday For the Engaged, an Engaged Encounter Weekend, or parish marriage preparation program
5 Months Or More Before Your Wedding:
Make an appointment with your local parish or Old Saint Mary's Cathedral + Chinese Mission to complete Form A
Ask a close relative or lifelong friend to complete Form B
Arrange a date to complete FOCCUS premarital inventory
4 Months Or More Before Your Wedding:
Begin FOCCUS(c) follow-up session(s) with priest or pastoral associate
If you plan to have a visiting presider, confirm with Old Saint Mary's
3 Months Or More Before Your Wedding:
Meet with the marriage coordinator to discuss options for the wedding liturgy
Review and select the Scriptures, prayers and music for the service
2 Months Or More Before Your Wedding:
Finalize the details of the wedding liturgy
Be sure all documentation is completed and sent to Old Saint Mary's
Ask persons with the necessary skills and training to be liturgical
ministers - readers, communion ministers, etc.
Call the florist to order floral arrangements for the church
Get a unity candle (and tapers) if you plan to use one
1 Month Or More Before Your Wedding:
Get the worship aid or program (if you plan to have one) prepared, reviewed and printed.
Discuss parish guidelines with photographers and videographers
Send the final payment for use of the church to Old Saint Mary's
1 Week Before Your Wedding:
Remind the wedding party, family and ministers to be on time for the rehearsal
Bring To The Rehearsal
The marriage license
The unity candle if you plan to use one
Offering envelopes for the presider and any others who will receive a gift or stipend
Bring To The Wedding:
The rings