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Old Saint Mary's Cathedral + Chinese Mission
A Missionary Community of Faith Served by the Paulist Fathers Since 1894
660 California Street + San Francisco, CA, 94108-2566

Mass & Confession Schedule
Saturday: 5:00pm
This Sunday (12/8): 10:00am
Normally 9:00 & 11:00 (Cantonese & English)
Confession: by appointment
Call Fr. Ivan at 415-288-3830 or by e-mail
Feel free to ask any priest after Mass. That priest will assist you, if not busy.
Masks are recommended for your protection and ours.
A live, Online, place to explore
We meet live online on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays
of each month at 7:15PM, PDT
Log on with Zoom
(get app at )
Login Code 623 768 697
This is a Ministry of
The Paulist Fathers in San Francisco
Directed by Fr. Michael Evernden, CSP
for more information email fr. Michael at:
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